Zen Candle Fragrance Oils

Feng Shui Wood: Promotes communication. Wood is deep, earthy scent with moderate herbal top notes

Feng Shui Water: Promotes feelings of inspiration and creativity. Water is a clean, airy aroma with subtle rain base notes.

Feng Shui Metal: Promotes intelligence & sharpness of mind, associated with wealth. Metal is a unique aroma in its own class. A cool scent that is crisp and clear.

Feng Shui Fire: Promotes intimate and friendly energy. Fire is spicy, earthy with a slightly "hot" aroma.

Feng Shui Earth: Promotes nurturing, caring energy. Earth offers hints of patchouli, amber and musk with gentle green top notes.

Ylang Ylang: Our signature premium fragrance oil. The ultimate floral, soft and sweet with a note of jasmine. Considered a potent aid to romance!