Remember to observe your candle in a proper setting, perhaps on a table. Recliners, beds and hay lofts are not recommended.

This is a candle with flames, it says so on the package; it is NOT for roasting marshmallows, quick hair singeing or a portable heater - use your noggin.

Never point the flames toward the skin, those lovely locks, your eyes and frankly any other parts of your body, it just makes good sense, oh and avoid contact with cat tails.

Some candles comes equipped with colored matches. Do not allow children to play with or eat the tops off, they are not candy cigarettes.

Do not use your candle in the rain, in the shower, drafty areas or near flammables. Water and wax/oil don’t mix well at all. And that means you are not watching your candle.

Be safe. Do not place your candle on any heat sensitive surface, including kids artwork, lacquered or varnished furniture. Try to be considerate here.

The Candle Warning tag (you tossed without reading first) has serious complications if not properly followed.

There is a quiz following, so let’s just revisit the obvious finer points today:

WARNING: To prevent fire and serious injury: Burn candle within sight. That means if you leave the room to make a snack, take a nap or check the mail delivery, please extinguish your candle first.

Keep away from drafts and vibrations. Keep out of reach of children and pets. NEVER burn your candle on or near anything that can catch fire. It’s just not worth it.

BURNING INSTRUCTIONS: Trim wick to ¼ inch before lighting. Keep an eye out for foreign materials floating near the flame. We have tested our candles to keep them safe but have no control over you leaving a pile of burned matches near the flame. Do not burn more than 2 hours at a time.

Once you blow out your candle, just dip the wick and lift back up. Trim as needed before relighting.

Pools of wax are hot to the touch. Boiling fumaroles, bubbling pits and spouting geysers are acceptable, but we prefer the calming mineral pools.

We try to create a unique experience for you which does NOT include mishaps on your part. For proper burning, lite all the wicks, never just one. Thank you!

We value your feedback. If you are not totally satisfied, CONTACT US so we can make things right.

If you would like to leave a great review and share pics of your experience, please CONTACT US

Thank you for making our day bright!

Credit is due to the Chandler Tool team for caring about the safety of candle makers. Thank you.  You inspire us all.